This website provides community and healthcare support, by being a one-stop source of information for anyone who is impacted or interested in learning about EDS, hypermobility, and related comorbidities. At no point in time should this information replace the medical advice of your physician or healthcare specialist, but it is our sincere hope that it provides additional information to make those discussions more informed and fruitful.
All the information collated here builds upon other people's work in research and in the broader community. We do our best to pull together information that is up-to-date, accurate (i.e., peer-reviewed research when possible), and credible (i.e., social media influencers or assistive device products). We value inclusivity, education, and community support, and we will regularly review our sources to ensure they abide by these values. By posting links to original sources or contributors, we are not explicitly promoting these parties unless otherwise stated.
To learn more about what we do and what drives us, please visit our "About Us" page.