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These chat rooms are open 24 hours and are divided by various mental health conditions, health conditions, and interests.
Stress and Wellbeing
How stressed are you?
Stress & What to Do About It
British Columbia Division
"People with chronic illnesses... can experience extreme stress because they worry about their illness, their treatments, and the effect that the illness will have on themselves and those around them."
Coping with Stress
A high-level overview of stress and how to minimize your risk. Key steps are provided to help you take your next step in coping with your stress.
Stress & Wellbeing Data
How does chronic illness affect your mental health?
Patient info
What it's like to live with a chronic illness, and how to cope.
The journey to a clear diagnosis is hard and long. Learn how you can manage the stress and ambiguity. Learn how to take control where you can.